Sunday, December 31, 2023


Libraries have always been one of my favorite public spaces. In recent years, several cities have launched major construction projects to anchor parts of their towns in ambitious public library spaces. Seattle is probably one the first examples, but Austin has a public library that is every bit as endearing.

We had visited before, but it had been several years. Therefore, we decided to check it out again on our recent trip. The library was bigger and more impressive than I remembered, but there were also signs of just how public it is. My mom and I witnessed a woman surfing the internet experience a psychotic episode yelling at the screen and those nearby about various conspiracy theories. Security was quickly dispatched, and order was restored.

The outburst prompted us to explore other sections, and we were blown away by the beauty of so many different corners. 

Here's to invested in our public spaces, our libraries most of all!

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