Sunday, December 31, 2023


Since October 7, 2023 and the vicious terrorist attack by Hamas, the Mid-East and the entire world have been turned upside down. The seeds of this conflict and the tortured history are far too long and complicated to recount here. What I am concerned with is how we put an end to the terror innocent Israelis and Palestinians feel. Yes, there are innocents on both sides, and then there are the leaders on both sides who are responsible for the attacks on October 7 and the response that has displaced 80% of Palestinian civilians.

I hope that the United States government and other world leaders can apply the pressure necessary to end this conflict. Thomas Friedman of the New York Times has written passionately and prescriptively about ways out. You can find his writing here. 

Let us pray in 2024 that the outrage so many of us feel can be channeled into a lasting peace. We have no other choice and no other way out.

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