Monday, November 29, 2021


We have had some memorable Thanksgivings over the years - none more so than 2019 when we lost power on Thanksgiving Day and spent the majority of the day at work! This year's Thanksgiving when we traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to meet Kathleen's family was fortunately less eventful, but it was no less memorable.

I had not been back to Madison since 2006 when we interviewed for jobs there at the end of my fellowship. I believe I made three trips there, and it was at the top of our list of destinations for our first faculty positions. One thing that turned me off then was the size of the city and the small town feel. In reality, Madison was and still is the second largest city in Wisconsin with a vibrant cultural and academic feel. At that time with just one infant chid in tow, we were looking for something bigger and ended up in Portland.

That is why it was so pleasant to visit Madison again at this stage in my life after having left Portland for Ann Arbor in part because of all the problems that come with big city living. We stayed in downtown with easy access to shops and the campus, which was lovely. In many ways, Madison felt like Ann Arbor with a liberal - but sensible - populace and a university vibe. The kids and Kathleen got to see their cousins, which made for a fun weekend of games and even a visit to an escape room!

Despite the Chicago traffic and snow on the roads on the way home, it was a thoroughly enjoyable trip. Here's to coming full circle and appreciating what was in front of you all along!

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