Saturday, November 20, 2021


The COVID pandemic continues to drag on, and we are now experiencing our fourth surge in Michigan. It would be an understatement to say that we are all exhausted and ready for this to be over, and yet we find a way to soldier on with our boosters, our hand sanitizer, and our masks.

I thought today about the world we find ourselves in and the lives we are leading. I was reminded of a message I received last year from the wife of a dear former patient who had passed away. She wrote, "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. Life is about learning to dance in the rain. We danced in the rain!"

As the storm surges, let us not forget to dance when we can and to enjoy the sun breaks when they come out. There are plenty of those moments, if only we allow ourselves to see them and appreciate them! Be safe, and I hope you find some joy today!

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