Monday, November 22, 2021


Each day when I wake up, I do a series of mindfulness meditation breathing exercises. Mindfulness meditation has become more popular in recent years, and there are clear health benefits for this practice on blood pressure, chronic pain, and mental health. For me, these exercises are a way to settle my mind and help me start the day off right. 

I also find that listening to podcasts is another way to focus on one thing deeply and block the distractions. Each day, I take in podcasts during my exercise routine, and those moments are among the most clarifying of the day.

These periods of tranquility are simple and do not require anything more than time and focus. Whatever your practice is, I hope that you have found ways to block out the noise and focus on the present moment. There is still so much that is worthy of appreciation, if only we allow ourselves to breathe and see it.

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