Thursday, December 2, 2021


Many of us seem to be stuck in a rut thinking wistfully about the "before times" while also dreaming about the "future times" that we hope will resemble the past, but only in the good ways. In doing so, many of us have lost sight of the many moments of beauty that still exist in the present times.

I was reminded of this last night at an orchestra concert at Cate's school where the middle schoolers - Cate included - and high schoolers performed. In so many ways, it reminded me of when we used to go to the symphony or other artistic events prior to COVID. Only this time, we were all masked and - at times - concerned about our health because of our in person attendance. However, when I let myself experience the moment and accept and appreciate it for what it was - a beautiful and spirited collective performance by talented, young artists - all of those concerns melted away. That is the power of art and music and mindfulness.

I hope I remember the lesson of last night in future times of stress or adversity. There is still so much to be grateful for, if only we allow ourselves to see these things and if only we allow ourselves to feel these things. 

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