Sunday, November 15, 2015


Nicholas has been taking music lessons for the past five years with his teacher Jan. He started off with the ukulele but graduated to the mandolin over a year ago. When he upgraded his instrument, I decided to buy a mandolin, too, and to devote myself more fully to learning how to play the instrument.

Each year Jan holds a Fall recital, and Nicholas and I have performed together the last few years. In years past, I was quite nervous up there and did not execute my part very well.

This year, we decided to pick a song we heard at the Women's World Cup Final during the warm ups before the match. It is a beautiful ballad by the Swedish DJ Avicci called, "Wake Me Up."

We practiced the song for over two months. Nicholas was in charge of the melody - the more difficult part. I was in charge of the chords.

Today was the recital day. We were both calm and resolute as we took the stage. We were ready. We knew the piece inside and out. We knocked it out of the park!


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