Sunday, November 29, 2015


After more than a two month absence, Lionel Messi returned to the stage last weekend during a momentous occasion - the first league match against FC Barcelona's eternal rival, Real Madrid.

It had been a quiet, almost sad two months for football since Messi's went out with a medial cruciate ligament injury in his left knee. I certainly did not enjoy watching the game as much or following soccer news. However, all of that sadness came to an end once Messi stepped on the field.

By that point in the game, Barca were already cruising and led 3-0. Shortly after coming on, Messi made a beautiful run and completed a brilliant pass that led to a quick through ball to Luis Suarez, who finished it clinically. Barca went on to win 4-0.

Just three days later Messi returned to action and scored two goals in the Champions League against Roma. His first was utterly brilliant, and I think there are few in the game who could have scored from the tight position Messi found himself in.

Finally, this weekend, Messi scored again in a 4-0 win over Real Sociedad in league play. He's back!

It is Messi's genius and the joy he exudes on the pitch that we all have missed so much. His absence due to injury and his return are a reminder that Messi is mortal. We should enjoy him while we can. That is why my family and I will be traveling to Barcelona for the third straight year (fourth for me) to witness Leo and all the Barca players.

Visca Leo and visca Barca!

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