Sunday, November 29, 2015


Earlier this month I began coaching the Arbor Boys futsal team Monster Mash for the fourth time. We finished as league champions the previous three seasons and had only lost three times in three seasons. This season has been much more challenging, and we have already lost three matches.

There are several explanations for the difference in results this year. First, we lost one of our top players to injury. Second, we have had a few player absences. Finally, and most importantly, we are playing in the Competitive Under 11 (U11) Division. We had played in Competitive divisions before, but this age group is clearly much more competitive. This is because every team we face is made up of players on "Classic," year-round soccer teams. Our team, on the other hand, is made up of some Classic players, some who play recreational ("Rec") soccer and some who do not play at all. Our competition is organized, aggressive, and skilled. This is enough to overcome the familiarity our players have with each other from playing at recess every day and to overcome one of our truly exceptional players - Q.

I have tried to keep the boys' spirits up and explained to them that our competition is truly skilled and that we should still hold our heads high for giving it our all. We have managed to win one match and nearly beat the top team last week. That team had only given up 7 seven goals in two matches - the fewest of any team. We were able to put six past them, though they scored eight.

We have three games left, and we will keep going. One cannot win every match, but one can give one's all. Here's to humility and picking one's self up - lessons the boys have learned all too well this season.

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