Sunday, December 27, 2020


It is hard to believe that I have been a cancer researcher for 17 years now. During that time, I have worked in three medical centers and directed two laboratory teams - first in Portland and now in Ann Arbor. 

During that time, I have give innumerable presentations about our work. However, COVID has made all of our presentations virtual on formats like Zoom. While platforms like this have been invaluable for continued communication and "meetings," they do not take the place of a face to face meeting. Furthermore, staring into a screen and watching one's self can evoke a sense of self-consciousness. Simply put, I will try to minimize Zoom use when this pandemic is over!

Our cancer center recently put on a virtual retreat for basic scientists like me, and they asked us to record a two minute "elevator pitch." distilling our work down to the essential. Yes, I realize that these pitches are usually much shorter, but I used nearly every second of the allotted time for mine!

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