Tuesday, December 15, 2020


This is Nicholas' second year of high school at Greenhills. He has really stepped up in his classes and is excelling academically. This is a big improvement over his first few weeks last year when he struggled to study effectively or take tests. This was understandable because Arbor did not have tests, and much of the schoolwork was communal. 

Nicholas has also been involved in several extracurriculars, including Mock Trial and Model UN. Indeed, he had a virtual Model UN event last weekend for which he dressed up both days. Kid looked pretty sharp!

Cate decided to join Greenhills this summer after initialing declining admission last spring. Thank goodness because the virtual experience at Greenhills has been fabulous. I just reviewed her first report card, and I was glad to see that Cate is stepping up and engaging her classmates and teachers online. Go Cate!

I feel very grateful to have found Greenhills and appreciate all their efforts in such difficult educational circumstances. As we say, Go Hills!

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