Sunday, December 27, 2020


No, this post is not about a transcontinental trip. Rather, we went cross country skiing today here in Northern Michigan!

While Kathleen has been many times, the kids and I had only been once before one and a half years ago in Central Oregon during a vacation. However, with limited options for travel elsewhere in the country, we decided to embrace the Michigan winter and head "up north" for the chance to try cross country skiing again.

There was snow on the ground when we went out, but we definitely could have used a few more inches. Nonetheless, we were out for about an hour. Cate had been a super star the first time we went, but today she was a little sluggish - perhaps because she stayed up too late and woke up too early to do Minecraft with her friends!

Hopefully we'll get some more snow over the next few days and hit the trials again. If not, we'll surely take in the beauty of being up north!

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