Thursday, September 4, 2014


I have always found first days of any kind to be difficult. However, I found today - Cate's first day of kindergarten - to be especially difficult. This is because it hit me today just how quickly this little one is growing up.

It is incomprehensible that it has been almost six years since we brought Cate home from the hospital. During those six years, Cate has developed into a wonderful little person with quirks and a character all her own.

Cate is accomplished. She can read, write, and do math. She is an incredibly athletic person, and she picks up new activities easily and quickly. In fact, she recently beat me in chess after only playing a dozen or so times. Some feat!

Despite her aptitude for so many things, I was reminded today when Kathleen and I took her to school today that deep down Cate is still a child. Cate was shy in the classroom (gasps of incredulity), and she said she did not want us to go. Her teacher quickly re-directed her to a game, but Cate seemed reticent to be on her own... to take this step away from us.

To avoid a long, drawn-out goodbye, Kathleen and I gave her a hug and reassured her that she would have a great day. Then, we walked out.

At the door, I turned to snap a picture hoping that Cate would be immersed in the classroom activities. However, I found her standing in the door (see below). She was not crying, but the look on her face said, "Am I ready for this dad? Are you ready for this dad?"

The answer to the former question is clearly yes. However, the answer to the latter is clearly no based on how I feel as I type this.

Tonight, we talked about Cate's day. Cate gave me a detailed play by play just like when Nicholas was a primary. She spoke with an excited yet matter of fact tone. She had no negative words to say.

Cate has been ready for this day for sometime, and today merely marked the beginning of a new chapter of Cate's life - a chapter that will be richer than the last six years spent largely with us. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead, but that does not mean that my heart is unbroken.

Time flies. Hugs your little ones up! I know I did tonight!

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