Monday, September 22, 2014


This past weekend, two of Kathleen's friends texted me to see if they could borrow our kids. This was because they wanted to see the kids'  movie, "How to Train Your Dragon, Part II," and they thought babysitting would be the perfect cover to do so. I enthusiastically agreed, which meant Kathleen and I got to see a movie. We decided on "Begin Again" from the director of the film "Once."

"Begin Again" is the story of two lost souls - one played by Keira Knightley and another by Mark Ruffalo - who are both in the music business and who have both lost out in their love lives. However, this is not you typical romantic comedy of falling in love. Rather, this is a movie about finding one's self and rekindling one's passion in all things musical.

It is a light movie, and one that hit the spot for me in this world of cynicism and dejection (see our politics, our world affairs, and our warming planet). The soundtrack is quite good, and the acting more than makes up for the unbelievable plot. I can sure you "Begin Again" will not walk away with any Oscar. However, it may just walk away with your heart!

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