Monday, September 22, 2014


Each night, Kathleen and I take turns reading stories with the kids before bedtime. As they have gotten older, Cate and Nicholas have become the primary readers, and we have become the listeners. However, I was reminded last night that these two are still little guys.

First, Nicholas fell asleep like a sack of potatoes in our bed. We could not rouse him, and Kathleen had to carry him into our bed. Not to be undone, Cate claimed she was unable to fall asleep because it was too hot in her room. I turned on the fan for her and tucked her into bed. However, approximately 10 minutes later, she came back into our room and said she could not sleep because she had a bad dream. I asked her what it was about, and she replied, "I think I saw a ghost. I am afraid to sleep in my bed, and have I mentioned it is hot in there." I walked her back in and explained to her that there was no such thing as ghosts. I also said that my room looked out onto the hallway, so I would be able to see and catch any ghosts that might try to make their way into her room. That seemed to satisfy her, and she snuggled back into bed.

You see, bedtime is many things in our house. However, boring is one thing it never is.

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