Thursday, December 26, 2024


Dear Felix,

Last weekend I made the short but eventful trip to San Francisco to say goodbye to you and to pay my respects to you, my dear friend Felix Feng, who was taken from this earth far too soon at the age of 48.

I first met you nearly ten years ago when we began collaborating on a team science project called the West Coast Prostate Cancer Dream Team. You were a new member to the team, having recently relocated from the University of Michigan, Almost immediately, you left your mark on the Team and helped turn it around by refocusing our projects and dreaming very big.

Countless ground-breaking papers followed, several of which you gave me the opportunity to lead. You appreciated that deep down most of us just want the opportunity to fulfill our potential. This seems basic, but far too often in life we are never given a chance to prove what we can do.

You were a guiding light for so many of us. I consider myself so lucky to call you a friend and to have had your wisdom and insights touch so much of what I have attempted to accomplish in the past decade. 

I did not make a major life decision without consulting you, Felix, during the past 10 years, and I consider you to be a member of my family. You are truly one in a million.

There are many luminaries in the prostate cancer field. Most of their contributions come from discoveries made in their own labs. You, on the other hand, developed so many careers around the globe, including those whose success did not directly benefit you. Felix, you are the epitome of a team scientist and made our field more collaborative and kinder. 

You will always be in my heart, Felix. The same goes for your family, and I know I speak for all of us when I say we will always be there for you Mary, Eric, and Emily. 

We promise to continue to build the community you helped to create and remain focused on solving the most pressing problems patients with cancer face. Thank you for always leading the way, Felix. I love you and will miss you.



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