Saturday, April 7, 2018


Cate is many things: smart, driven, opinionated. However, one area we have been working on is empathy. For this reason, I was touched by a recent story her teacher shared with me that is excerpted below.

Before we get too far into break, I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know about a noteworthy moment in P.E. on Friday. First, I'll give you a little background information. We were playing Gagaball, and the important things to know about the game for this anecdote are: 1) there are no teams, so everyone is against everyone else and when you get "out" you are in Jail until the person who got you out gets out or a Jailbreak is called, and 2) in addition to the conventional way of getting out by being hit by a ball, if you fall down (and a body part other than your hands or feet touches the ground), you are out. Cate, is very goodat Gagaball--which means that the players she gets out are often stuck in Jail for a long time. On Friday, she got --- out and when he was finally released by a Jailbreak, he stood up and she got him out again. The next time he re-entered the game, he lasted a little bit longer, but, again, Cate got him. He sat down in Jail grumbling, "I guess I'll wait for another Jailbreak..." and started tearing up. Cate happened to be nearby, noticed him tearing up and looked like she was about to ask either what was wrong or what she could do, but promptly realized that she was likely the reason why he was crying. So she fell down. She just dropped to the ground and then moved herself into Jail. I nudged --- to let him know he was back in and his face lit up and he jumped up with excitement as he ran back into the game. I caught Cate's eye and quietly told her Thank You because that was the most compassionate act of kindness I have seen in a long time.

What a story and what a girl! I hope she continues to grow and that people remember her at least as much for her kindness as her imperiousness!

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