Saturday, April 21, 2018


There are many people who have had a profound influence on my life: my parents, my brother and sister, my friends, and teachers and mentors. However, there is another individual whom I have never met who has had an equally profound influence on my life: Andres Lujan Iniesta, the diminutive midfield maestro for Barca and the Spanish National Team. Tonight, may have been his last final in a Barca shirt, so I thought it was a fitting time to pay tribute to El Illusionaista (the ghost) as he is known to his fans.

Eight years ago, I had never even kicked a soccer ball. For me, soccer was something that came around every four years at the World Cup. I might have watched two full soccer matches prior to 2010, but all of that changed when I witnessed Iniesta and his Spanish teammates take on the rest of the world in South Africa. That they appeared to ping the ball around like a video game and imperiously put their opponents to the sword was part of the appeal. More than that, though, it was the work rate and anticipation, and imposition of their philosophy of play that I quickly came to recognize and admire. That tournament culminated in a lively final against the Dutch, and the game was only decided in extra time by guess who: Andres Iniesta.

After that final, I sought out Iniesta and many of his teammates on television and immediately recognized the Spanish National Team style in that of Iniesta's club team FC Barcelona. I have witnessed them play on television hundreds of time in the past eight years and have even had the goo fortune to see them play in person some 6-7 times. Each time, fortunately, Iniesta has graced the field, and it has always been a pleasure to see el maestro at work.

Beyond his exceptional vision, anticipation, touch, and evasiveness, Iniesta is also a gentleman - a true personification of everything that is good in sport and in life: honest, hard-working, virtuous, and passionate. We may never see a player like him again, which is why I feel so honored to have witnessed him play in the prime of his career.

Life's transitions are hard, and I know Iniesta will do whatever is best for him and his family at the end of this season. He has been linked with a big contract in the Chinese Super League, where he might play out his final years. However, today's performance in the Copa del Rey final will hopefully make him reconsider retirement from Barca.

On the field today, Iniesta turned back the clock and dictated play as the midfield general. He was all over the pitch, combining with his teammates, and he even managed to score a beautiful goal off a one-two pass with Messi. A fitting tribute to this little man, who is a giant of a player. The final scoreline was 5-0, what they call in Spain a "manita," or little hand for its five fingers. After tonight, we all raise our hands to Iniesta just like the fans at the Wanda Metropiltana Stadium as we bow to him and bay "Iniesta, Iniesta!"

Good night sweet price. Thank you for helping me to appreciate the beautiful game known as football. We will never forget you! You have touched me in more ways than I can count. Thank you!

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