Sunday, May 26, 2013


Each year Arbor hold a special event called Burger Day. The school holds a raffle to determine which parents will have the privilege of having lunch on this day with their children.  As you might have guessed, burgers are the main item on the menu, and the Senior students cook and serve the burgers.  All proceeds from the sale of burgers to the children and the cost of raffle tickets support the annual Senior camping trip.

I was not selected the past two years after buying one ticket, so this year I decided to be aggressive. I bought 40 tickets.  My gamble paid off, and I was selected to attend!

I arrived around 11:45 and waited outside the Arena. Shortly thereafter, Nicholas and his classmates from the Junior Down classroom arrived. They patiently waited outside for their turn, and then the children and the 2 parents who were selected from their classroom entered the Arena to claim their lunch.

Nicholas was ahead of me in line and went back to his classroom after he picked up his lunch. I eventually made my way to the classroom, where I found him laughing and talking with his classmates. He had eaten most of his lunch by the time I got there. However, when Nicholas saw me, he came over and sat by me and finished his lunch. We talked and he said he was glad that I had been selected.

After we finished our burgers (yum), chips, and lemonade, we decided to go outside for lunch recess.  A few boys were on the soccer pitch, and Nicholas said that we should go join them.  Soon thereafter, a game broke out. I was with the Primaries (kindergarteners and 1st graders) while Nicholas was with the Juniors (2nd and 3rd graders).

I was struck by how the game spontaneously developed with new kids continually joining. I was also impressed by the kindness and sportsmanship the children showed to one another. When someone made a good play, several students congratulated that person. When someone was knocked down, a hand was always extended by the offending party and was accompanied by an "I'm sorry."

I do not want you to get the impression that we were just fooling around or taking it easy though. The kids were really going for it, and I had a crack from about 20 yards out. I aimed high because ... well .... the goalkeeper was only four feet tall. The ball clanged off the top bar.

It was fine to be the playmaker, or main passer, and I set several kids up for goals.  A young girl, approached me rather tentatively and asked me if she could join, too. I smiled at her and said, "Of course. I want you on my team." I passed to her several times, and she almost scored!  I hope she will become a regular, and I asked Nicholas to invite her to join the game next time they play. I am sure he will because he is one sweet guy.

In all, the one hour I spent at Arbor for Burger Day, which felt much longer than one hour, was probably the best hour of my year so far.  Sure the burger was tasty, and sure it is always fun to come to the school. However, on this Burger Day I was able to experience the school more fully with Nicholas. I was able to be one of the kids, myself, and to take in the magic that happens each day when kind, bright, and giving children and teachers come together.

After Burger Day, I thought back to my own elementary education and was left wanting. However, I shrugged off my disappointment. This was because I took great comfort in knowing that Nicholas and Cate would have such a wonderful education in such a wonderful school.

Here's to Arbor and to Burger Day. I am already saving for next year's raffle...

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