Sunday, December 5, 2021


Moving our bodies and exercising is something we often take for granted until an injury prevents us from doing so. This year, several injuries slowed me down and reminded me how lucky one is to have good health. 

The first injury - a quad injury - came a few weeks after resuming soccer this spring after a one year layoff from playing and a one year absence from the gym where I used to work on my core strength. Not only did this injury sideline me from soccer, but it also made it difficult to run - my go to exercise nearly every day of the week. 

I spent much of the summer riding my bike and came to enjoy the pleasure of cycling for the first time in my life. Sure, one burns fewer calories than running, but cycling allows one to cover more ground. During my several month stretch of daily cycling, I took many trips through the nearby Parker Mills Park or to the Botanical Gardens, which are both farther afield than my typical three mile running route in Gallup Park.

On those rides, I was able to see new terrain and things that I otherwise would have missed on my normal run, including several crew events on the Huron River, various wildlife, and beautiful fall colors.

Fortunately, my injury healed after physical therapy, but then I re-aggravated it when I tripped in the hall at work (I kid you not). It was back on the bike for a more more weeks, but eventually my leg healed up after a lot of core strengthening. 

I am now back to running nearly everyday - rain, snow, or shine - and there is a certain calmness and peace that comes after these runs. Having gone much of the year without running, I learned that there are other ways to clear one's head. However, none seems quite as effective as a nice jog around the neighborhood. I will not take the ability to exercise how one wants for granted again and hope that I have a long respite from injury!

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