Saturday, September 19, 2020


Nicholas and I started watching a new show on Apple TV called "Ted Lasso," starring Jason Sudeikis. The character first appeared in 2013 in advertisements for NBC as it was starting its coverage of the Premier League. In these commercials, Ted Lasso was an American football coach hired to coach the English football (soccer) club Tottenham Hotspur. He was completely out of his element, and hilarity ensued in these short spots.

The TV series features the same character, only this time he is recruited to the UK to AFC (Athletic/Football Club) Richmond from Kansas. While the show is nominally about football, it is about so much more. Initially, the show started off with a fish out of water element, but it quickly pivoted towards the importance of human connection and understanding. I cannot recommend it strongly enough, particularly in the time of COVID, shutdowns, and very few in-person sports.

Check it out, mate!

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