Saturday, September 19, 2020


I have limited memories of learning to drive. Partly, this is due to age, but I also recall that learning to drive was rather traumatic. Which brings me to Nicholas, who recently completed his driver's ed class and is now behind the wheel.

He had driven on several occasions with Kathleen, and this had gone reasonably well. A few weeks back, I picked him up from practice and suggested he drive home. He was a little hesitant because he had only practiced on my car, but I encouraged him to do it anyway.

The unfamiliarity of my car coupled with the time of day - it was dusk - did not make for a good combination. After about one-quarter mile, he approached a traffic circle. While he steered around the circle, he failed to turn the wheel. The car continued straight right into a sign and onto a curb. He and I were in shock. To say I lost my cool would be an understatement. 

I quickly got behind the wheel, backed up off the curb, and started to drive home. I noticed the car was veering and eventually pulled over. Sure enough, the tire thah had struck the curb was flat. After unsuccessfully trying to unfasten the spare tire from the trunk - it was bolted down too tightly - we called AAA, who saved the day. After that, and I think we were all a little shell-shocked, though Nicholas did go back out once or twice with Kathleen.

Today, though, I suggested we go out again. It was the middle of the day with plenty of light. I drove to start and gave some pointers. Then, we headed to a parking lot, which is where I first learned to drive. Nicholas did several loops, practicing parking, and backing up. It went super well. I drove on the roads on the way home, and we reviewed what we had learned.

Life is not about the straight and arrow. It is about failure and picking one's self up, learning, and moving forward. I know Nicholas will get there with a little help and patience from us!

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