Sunday, June 21, 2020


Many days I am simply blown away by my children's response to the pandemic and their ability to adjust and continue to go about their lives. A good example is Nicholas and his recent driver's ed class.

We first heard about this class from the parents of some of his friends who had signed their kids up. We were late to the party, and unfortunately the class his friends were attending filled up. We were able to get Nicholas into another class, but he did not know anyone in that class.

Despite the fact that this was an in person class with behind the wheel driving during COVID, Nicholas was undaunted. When I dropped him off, he dutifully put on his mask without prompting and headed to the driver's studio in a strip mall. We were early, so I waited in the car. However, he told me I did not need to stay and encouraged me to go home by text message.

As I looked on at the scene of my young, masked boy ready to go to class and get behind the wheel of a car, I could not help but do a double take. What a strange, strange world we find ourselves in, but what a brave, composed son I have.

Some days, I am just blown away by how different our lives are and how we just keep going. Here is Cate eating her Cookie Monster ice cream with matching blue face mask.

Nicholas' and Cate's fortitude is something to behold, indeed, and I will try to remember their example as I navigate my own challenges - not only during this pandemic but well afterwards.

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