Sunday, June 21, 2020


For the past nine months, facial hair has been slowly growing on Nicholas' chin, his upper lip, and near the sideburns. Things seemed to have taken off during COVID, so we finally decided to shave it off last weekend.

I can still remember the first time I shaved. It was tenth grade, and I, too, looked like I was sporting a hairlip. It felt good to finally clean it up, and Nicholas expressed similar excitement - though also a little trepidation -  about going under the blade.

First, we washed his face in hot water to make the hair stand by. Next, I lathered up my brush with shave soap and applied a few coats. Finally, I used my trusty Gillette to shave him. I did the sides first, then the upper lip and chin. Finally, I did the neck and chin, pointing out what I was doing with each step. Fortunately, I did not draw blood, and he did not shed tears. He looks like a new man! See for yourself!

The shave kit we ordered for him came in a few days ago, but so far we have not had to re-shave. When it is time, I will give Nicholas the honors.

What a milestone for this young man. Fourteen going on fifteen. I am going to cry!

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