Thursday, June 4, 2020


Yesterday, we learned that Nicholas was one of four freshman honored with the Greenhills Award given annually to those students in each grade who "best demonstrate the Greenhills core values of respect, trust, and responsibility as well as the four qualities included in the school's mission statement: intellectual, ethical, artistic, and athletic potential."

While I am not surprised that Nicholas was honored with such an award, it is remarkable because he has only been at the school for eight months, and three of those months have been during distance learning. Those facts make this recognition even more special because Nicholas clearly made an impression on the students who nominated him and the teachers who supported that nomination.

When we decided to move from Portland to Ann Arbor, Nicholas was not excited about the prospect of leaving the only place he ever had ever known and where he had very deep roots. However, he remained positive and never took out his frustrations of starting over on me. His sweetness and resilience are truly remarkable, and how he has handled this stressful re-start has given me strength.

I have never met a kinder, more curious, or passionate person than Nicholas. I consider him my best friend, and I hope we always stay close. I will cherish the past three months at home with him several days of the week and will enjoy every moment we have together.

Here's to Nicholas!

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