Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Cate is fearless about nearly all things, including COVID, which she has not let get her down. However, there are a few things that are like kryptonite to her - bees and thunderstorms.Yesterday was a perfect storm - so to speak - on both counts.

When we first moved in, we noticed "carpenter bees," but they appeared to have disappeared during winter. However, yesterday when we were playing soccer in the backyard, I noticed something whiz past me. I quickly ducked, and it turned out it was a bee. Cate quickly ran inside and hid and refused to come out despite the fact that Nicholas and I continued to play safely outside. Second, there was a pretty strong thunderstorm last night right before bedtime. Cate was definitely startled and pulled into our bed right before bedtime. It definitely took some prying to get her into her own bed. Sweet little thing.

Sometimes I take for granted how brave and independent Cate is. A day like yesterday is a reminder that my sweet little girl is not all grown up yet. I will enjoy every day with her.

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