Sunday, April 5, 2020


The onset of spring often coincides with the return of our bird friends from parts south to northern latitudes like Michigan. Despite the COVID outbreak, the birds seem no worse for the wear, and it has been fun to spot different species in our backyard.

Just last week, I saw many red-breasted robins and - even more strikingly - a beautiful cardinal. Immediately,  I thought of the the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team and their beautiful cardinal logo. 

Though Nicholas is the most avid artist in our family, Cate has some pretty mad drawing skills, too. Therefore, I challenged her to draw the Cardinals logo after we pulled a picture of it up on the computer.
Cate was hesitant at first, but she agreed to give it a shot. She would not let me look at her drawing until it was done, and she kept shooing me away when I entered the office where she was drawing and coloring it. Finally, she said I could come in, and she showed me her creation.

It was a masterpiece! Though I am not a big fan of baseball, this little birdy will be making his way to my office. Cate for the win again!

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