Thursday, July 21, 2016


Cate has been playing soccer since the age of two. However, she has always played recreational soccer with the exception of her competitive futsal team.

Last spring, many of the girls from her recreational team decided to try out for the competitive team, but Cate said she wanted to stick with rec. All of those girls were accepted to the competitive team, and it was only afterwards that Cate realized that most of the friends from her rec team would not be back.

This must have really been on Cate's mind because one day she announced that she really wanted to try out for the competitive team. We explained to Cate that the tryouts had already passed, but she asked us to see if she could attend practice and try to make the team. Therefore, I contacted the coach.

When contacting him, I described Cate's history and the fact that she always played "up" one year. I left it to him to decide which team she should try out for. After some back and forth, we decided Cate should attend the practice of the team of girls one year older than her. Importantly, most of Cate's friends from her old team were in that age group.

After the practice, it was clear to anyone who had eyes that Cate belonged out there. The coach expressed his enthusiasm and said that she had an understanding of the game and skill that were quite uncommon for a player of his age. He offered her a spot, and Cate nodded her head in gleeful acceptance.

I am glad that this tryout worked out for Cate. It was a good lesson about hard work, focus, and making the most of one's opportunities. I cannot wait to see Cate play with this team and to build soccer and team skills that will last a lifetime.

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