Thursday, July 21, 2016


Demagogue- noun. A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

If there is one word that captures Donald J. Trump, it is demagogue.

Tonight, the Demagogue's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention capped off the end to an inglorious Republican primary campaign. During the past year, the Demagogue insulted and offended countless groups of people and individuals, sowed bitter discontent, and appealed to the worst in humankind. Thus, his hate-filled speech was a fitting end to one of the most mean-spirited and nasty primary campaigns I have seen in my lifetime.

The Demagogue claims that we are a country in decline that is overrun by "the other." By "the other," he means minorities, illegal immigrants, and poor people trying to game the system. Who is at fault for this? The mainstream political establishment on both the left and right. Who can save us? Only the Demagogue, of course.

We have heard this speech before on the campaign trail this year. We have also heard it in Nazi Germany, McCarthy era America, and in Communist and contemporary Russia. This line of "inspiration" appeals to our fears and our insecurities. It offers scapegoats and simplistic explanations for all that ails those who have been left behind in this 21st century.

For many, especially those who feel disenfranchised in our increasingly diverse nation and global economy, these words are like a salve. However, rather than a poultice, these words are as likely to heal or fix our wounds as sulfuric acid. My only hope is that more Americans are repulsed by his message than those who would swallow his empty promises.

I am not a religious man. If I were, I would pray for our country to do the right thing to reject the hate and dark cloud that the Demagogue would invite upon us. There has never been a more important election in our nation's history, and I do not look forward to the bumpy ride for the next three and a half months.

May we prove him wrong and show the world what America really stands for.

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