Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Today, gunmen killed twelve people at the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris. The killers were reportedly Muslims who were offended by cartoons published in the paper. News reports suggest that one of the killers is in custody while at least two others remain at large.

What could incite a man to kill another human being in such a way? Reportedly, the killers were offended by cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed and Islamic figures. Everyone has a right to disagree and even to be offended. However, violence is never the answer.

There is a tremendous amount of irony in these shootings today. Indeed, the gunmen's actions validate these cartoons-many of which depicted the hypocrisy of Muslim fundamentalists who claim they are agents of God.

Perhaps the events of today are a rude reminder of just what kind of world we live in. Speech is indeed free in the West. However, speech is not without consequences. Nonetheless, we must refuse to give in to the terrorist and speak out when we see injustice. For if we do not, the terrorists will have won.

Today, we are all Parisians, just like on 9/11 we were all New Yorkers. I will leave you with a quote for the French author and philosopher Voltaire, "I may not agree with what you have to say. However, I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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