Sunday, January 11, 2015


Today, Barca played an inspired game and defeated Atletico Madrid 3-1. This victory was quite momentous for several reasons. First, it has been a tumultuous week in Barcelona for all the reasons described previously. Moreover,

Coming into today's match with Atletico Madrid, many people had written off the Blaugrana who were said to be too distracted with internal struggles described previously here, too disorganized with their neophyte coach, and too old with aging stars to compete with the top clubs. Indeed, Barcelona had not beaten Atletico Madrid, the reigning La Liga (Spanish League) Champions in the last six tries over the previous eighteen months. Therefore, today's dominating 3-1 victory over Atletico Madrid was quite tremendous.

Barca played an inspiring game of football with intense defensive pressure, amazing runs into space, and precise passing. Barca led at halftime with goals from Neymar and Suarzez, two-thirds of the Barca frontline. Importantly, Lionel Messi assisted both strikes. The collective play in the first half was as good as I have seen Barca play since the 2011 Champions League Final against Man United. Like that game, this was a one-sided affair, and today's Barca would have given Guardiola's 2011 Barca quite a challenge.

Messi added a third in the second half to complete the hat trick by our three attacking players. Quite a fitting end to the day, and quite a deserving goal for Messi, this game's best player and the best player in the world.

I was reminded today of just how much this Barca team means to me and so many others as I watched the game and followed comments of other cules on social media. Barca is a club that can beat any other club in the world when it is "on." However, it is not wins that inspires me and so many other fans. It is the way Barca wins. Like an organism with 11 limbs that continuously work in coordination, Barca breaks teams down. Barca does so by pouncing on every mistake with imperious precision. Indeed the frontline of Barca is nicknamed "SNM." This stands for Suarez, Neymar, and Messi just as it also stands for Show No Mercy!

As I said, when Barca is on top of its game, it has no rivals. In those moments, only Barca and internal distractions can stand in our way and defeat us. However, I will continue to support this team through ups and downs, wins and losses, board room disputes, and dressing room rows. I do hope that we can continue to focus on the pitch both for the sake of my sanity and the players' because this team ain't dead yet!

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