Saturday, December 27, 2014


Yesterday, I had the good fortune to catch up with Julien, one of my best friends from Hopkins. He is currently living with his girlfriend Jane in Bath, UK, and they agreed to meet up with us in London during our holiday. It had been seven years since I saw Julien, but it was as if no time had passed when we met again.

During my time in the lab, Julien and I spent a lot of time together. This was because Julien's bench was adjacent tot mine in the lab and because we socialized outside of work and had many mutual work friends. He was one of the people whom I missed most when I left Hopkins.

Shortly after I left the lab, Julien also left and took another post-doc in the UK. Eighteen months ago, he took a position as a professor in Bath, where he and his girlfriend Jane have been living. During that time, he has been working hard to establish himself and obtain research funding. We swapped stories, some horrific, about the stresses of being a principal investigator (PI), and we also reminisced about our time at Hopkins.

It was great to talk so freely and honestly with someone who knew me so well. In many ways, it was as if we were back at our old lab benches trading stories and ideas.

These kind of friendships that remain strong despite many years of absence are quite special. I am fortunate to have many friends like Julien who understand and appreciate me. Be it seven months or seven years, these are people who make me feel as though no time has passed when we meet again. This feeling is not only attributable to affection but also mutual respect and understanding.

My visit with Julien reminded me of how thankful I am for friends like him. May our paths cross again sooner than seven years, and may he and I maintain our bonds despite time, distance, and life changes!

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