Tuesday, December 31, 2013


It seems as though I have grown a shadow whether it is light or dark out. That shadows name is Nicholas.

He is with me from the time I wake up. We get dressed together. Invariably, he asks that we talk about soccer. I wait for him before I go downstairs… that is if he has not already woken up before me and gone downstairs on his own to draw or work on the IPad.

We play games together. We go to my work together on weekends and sometimes get a root beer float together. We watch football together. We talk about football together… a lot.

Increasingly, I am growing a littler shadow named Cate. She greats me in the morning. She asks for "just one more hug" before I leave for work. She even lets me give her little smooches sometime though she immediately and reflexively wipes her cheek afterwards. She always demands that we play on the same team when we go to the pitch too play football as a family.

Two amazing kids whom I love immensely and whose love for me I cherish. The image of those two shadows illuminated is what I will remember most about 2014.

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