Monday, December 16, 2013


Yesterday, we joined several other families from Nicholas' school at a Holiday Gospel concert downtown. Coleen Carey, one of the Arbor mom's was singing in the predominantly black gospel choir  that was accompanied by the Oregon Symphony.

Traditional holiday carols were re-worked, and the place was lifted with sweet, soulful singing. Most concerts at this hall are quite staid. However, this one brought the crowd to its feet, brought hands to together clapping in unison, and brought feet stamping on the floor. It was a celebration of God, Jesus, and religion. It was also a celebration of life and all the reasons we have to be grateful.

During that concert, I smiled over and over again. I thanked my lucky stars for my friends and family. I rejoiced about all that I have lived and about all the life that is yet to come. In short, his non-believer did a little Hallelujah inside.

Happy holidays, and here's to rejoicing over the little blessings that are far to easy to overlook everyday!

I will send you out with Jeff Buckley, who probably sang the most beautiful "Hallelujah" you will ever hear.

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