Saturday, December 25, 2021


The last two and a half years have been the most difficult of my life professionally. A move and restarting a lab from scratch is hard enough. However, when one adds a once in a century, global pandemic entering its third year that impacts every aspect of how we practice medicine and do research, life and work become unimaginably hard.

We achieved some great things at work last year - new publications, clinical trials, grants, and awards. However, most importantly, everyone on my teams stayed safe and healthy. Moreover, somehow we found a way to expand our clinical team with a new faculty recruit and significantly expand our laboratory from three people at the beginning of the year to ten people - the largest we have ever been in my 14 years being a principal investigator.

Spending time in person with the exceptional teams I am lucky to be a member of at the Rogel Cancer Center was definitely the professional highlight of a very difficult 2021. Hoping for more togetherness in 2022! Lucky to call this place home and these people my friends!

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