Sunday, December 19, 2021


Last weekend, Cate and her friends from her outdoor soccer team took part in the 2021 Ann Arbor Chocolate Milk Futsal Cup. 

Cate used to play quite regularly in Portland and even played for one year here with a futsal academy COVID curtailed last year's futsal season, so she had not played for almost two years until this past weekend. However, one would not have guessed that after watching her and her team - mostly newcomers to futsal - play in this tournament.

We lost the first game, which I missed because I needed to bring Nicholas home, but the girls remained upbeat. We defeated the next two teams to earn a spot in the final - a rematch against ABK Futsal Academy, the team who had beaten us in the first game. 

The rematch was a tense affair as the opposition had some very big and physical players. However, our defense was ready and would not let their big striker turn with the ball. Our goalie also made multiple critical saves to keep us in the game. 

All the while, Cate was shining on the field and opened the scoring with a beautiful spin move followed by a clinical finish. We scored once more to seal the victory. What a game and what a tournament for the Michigan Tigers Girls! 

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