Tuesday, December 19, 2017


In recent days, Democrats have pulled off stunning upsets. First, came the titanic win of Doug Jones over the accused child molester and all around degenerate Roy Moore in Alabama. Today, we learned that Democrats won the final remaining race for the Virgina House of Delegates by a single vote. That solitary vote means that there are an equal number of Democratic and Republican representatives in that chamber. Importantly, the Governor casts the deciding vote in the event of ties.

These wins come after months of struggles for Democrats who had lost every special election to fill a seat vacated by Trump appointees. However, the tide truly appears to be turning, and the resistance nationwide is fired up and ready to go.

How did we get to such a state in our politics? It began with the election of a carnival barker and degenerate to the White House whose antics and crudeness have left an inedible mark on that office and the American people. Clearly a majority of voters in two southern states said enough is enough. Imagine the reaction of voters in more moderate areas, including suburbs of large cities nationwide. That territory is the battleground where presidential, gubernatorial, and congressional elections are won or lost, and I feel more hopeful than ever before about our ability to win at all three of those levels.

Winning will not happen by itself. That is why we must all get involved by donating, talking to our friends and neighbors, and volunteering for campaigns. It is a truism that if turnout is high, Democrats will win. Because of this, there is no room for sitting on the sidelines anymore. The stakes are just too high.

I implore you to get involved. We rise and fall as one, and I, for one, sense a new dawn in our politics and for our country- one in which order, hope, and decency are restored to there rightful places.

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