Friday, November 7, 2014


Last week the Arbor Intermediate boys' futsal team began a new season.  This year, the boys are playing in the "competitive" division. That division is made up us more experienced kids who are playing in competitive leagues rather than recreational soccer leagues. I was somewhat worried about our chances because many of our boys play exclusively in recreational leagues.

However, the boys did not disappoint in our first match last week against Celtic FC, a competitive team from the Foothills Soccer Club. The boys of Monster Mash dominated the game and had the vast majority of possession. Every player, no matter his position, applied constant defensive pressure when Celtic had the ball. This forced many errors from the Celtic players that led to our counter attacks and goals. We ended up out shooting Celtic 25-5. The final score was 14-0.

I was amazed most by the cohesiveness of our team more than the "football" scoreline and shutout. Everyone was focus and played his heart out. They knew that they would rise and fall as one. Their motivation was clear - playing together and achieving something through collective effort.

I could not be more proud of the way they conducted themselves and the way they played the beautiful game. Their through balls, passing, and clinical finishing made me proud to be their coach. Indeed, I get goose bumps every time one of the boys addresses me as "coach." I will do my best to live up to their effort and talent. It is a privilege to be their coach.

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