Monday, August 27, 2012


This weekend our family pitched in at the Arbor School Summer Work Party. At this annual event, families - new and old - pitch in to help clean up and beautify the campus and perform whatever tasks are necessary to get the school ready for Fall.  Nicholas and I helped shelve books and break down old encyclopedias so that the paper could be recycled.  Kathleen and Cate helped in the garden. Afterwards, we all celebrated our efforts with lunch.

More than anything, the day is a chance to welcome the new families and re-engage after two months away. The day also served as a reminder of the swiftness with which times elapses and how much Nicholas and Cate have changed in the two years since he began school there. In almost every way - physically, mentally, and emotionally - Nicholas and Cate have grown so much.

Here is a picture of Nicholas with his beloved teachers from kindergarten and first grade - Lori and Toby from June. Since then, Nicholas has probably grown several inches. He has graduated to playing the mandolin from the ukulele, can almost swim, and is turning into one heck of a soccer player.

Here are some pictures from the work party with Nicholas in various states of action.

Just one year ago, Nicholas was afraid to try to go up the treehouse because he was concerned that he would not be able to come down.  On this day, he suggested we go up and climbed up all by himself.  I spotted him on the way down, but he made his way down all by himself.

Confidence. That is the word that describes this young man. That and kindness and passion.  What wonderful attributes.

Nicholas has truly made the most of the opportunities he has been given, and he has really come into his own.  His knowledge is encyclopedic. His interests are ever-changing. His character continues to solidify and become more steadfast.

This inscription below from the Arbor treehouse captures what has come about in Nicholas - a sense that anything is possible and that he is capable of greater things than we or he could have ever imagined.

Incidentally, Olivia was an eighth grader when she built the treehouse.

Here's to Nicholas, and here's to another wonderful year ahead at Arbor.

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