Saturday, May 26, 2012


Every few months, Arbor invites its students to perform in front of all the students, staff, teachers, and parents who are able to break away in the middle of the day. The event is called "Bits and Pieces," and Nicholas played his ukulele once before and did a great job.

When, the school announced this was coming up again, neither Kathleen nor I mentioned it because we wanted Nicholas to decide for himself whether to play a piece.  One week before the latest installment, Nicholas' music teacher Laura told us she was excited to hear his new piece and wondered if we would be able to make it.  Kathleen told her we were not even aware he would be playing, but that we would make every effort to come (i.e. Joshi will be there).

We asked Nicholas what he intended to play that night, and he said "Hedwig's Theme" from Harry Potter.  He had learned that songs several months prior, and he thought his classmates would appreciate it since many of them are Harry fanatics.  As I have said previously, Arbor is an eco-friendly Hogwarts without the house of Slytherin!

On the day of the performance, several older students played along with their personal music teachers.  Nicholas was one of the youngest performers, and he confidently strode up to the stage all by himself.  He set up his music, got out his pick, and announced that he would be playing "Hedwig's Theme."  He then proceeded to give it his all.  You can see for yourself below.

As you can tell from the applause, it was a big hit. When Nicholas returned to his seat, his fifth-grade "buddy" Norris and all of the kids sitting nearby gave him big high fives and words of congratulations.
Every single performer receives this type of reception regardless of the number of missed notes or pauses.

For me, the bravery of the performers and the grace of the audience is what exemplifies the Arbor School- character, intellect, and curiosity.  Here's to Nicholas and to many more Bits and Pieces.

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