Earlier this school year, Nicholas had a lot of trepidation about being alone at school, seeing people he did not know there, or trying new things. He expressed particular concern about being assigned the job of book runner- the child who is in charge of returning the books from his classroom to the school library- because he would have to walk so far from his classroom alone.
So when Nicholas told me this week that he was the book runner, I naturally asked him if he was afraid. He quickly responded that he was not. He said he did not have any reason to be scared because "everyone at Arbor is nice. If I need help, someone will help me!"
There are very few absolutes or things in life of which any of us can be certain, but Nicholas has clearly already found one. Here's to Arbor, a liberal, eco-friendly Hogwarts... without the House of Slytherin!
I hope you enjoy these pictures from our walk to the library together this morning!

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