Friday, June 24, 2022


We spent twelve and a half wonderful years in Portland prior to moving to Ann Arbor. In some many ways, this is where both the kids and we grew up - a place that truly felt like home and where we felt settled. 

It has been nearly three years since we moved from Portland, but we still have many beloved friends that feel more like family. For that reason, it was wonderful to be back visiting last week. 

It was a whirlwind visit with only 27 hours in town before we headed to Central Oregon. However, we fit a lot in during that time. 

After checking in to our hotel, we headed to food carts in the Northwest 23rd area. We ate a wonderful selection of food, including: naan, pad thai, sushi burritos, and waffles! Next, at Nicholas' suggestion, we went to one of my favorite places on earth, the Japanese Garden. It was as beautiful as ever.

We stopped by the Timbers'/Thorns' store to pick up some souvenirs and see the old stadium.

Then, we met up with Kathleen's friends for a light dinner later that day. Afterwards, I caught up with a few friends from my old futsal team for dinner at a new West African place called Adaki.

The following day, I had an amazing six mile run in Forest Park. I can still see the brilliant green hues!

We stopped by my old friend and mentor Grover's house to drop off a gift for his 80th birthday. It was a quick hello, but it was so nice to see him and his wife Susan.

Finally, we went to lunch with my friend George and his family. It was wonderful to catch up with him.

This was our second trip to Portland since our move. Both times, being back brought back so many fond memories and strong emotions and served as a touchstone for whom and where we used to be and who and where we are now.

While much has changed about Portland, certain things have not. There are more people in Portland whom I love than anywhere else. I have more fond memories of Portland than anywhere else. I do not see those two things changing anytime soon.

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