Friday, June 24, 2022


I do not know who first told us about Black Butte Ranch in Central Oregon, but I am grateful that they did. 

We have been coming to Black Butte (the mountain is pictured above) for more than a decade, and I believe we have only missed one year - 2020 because of the pandemic - since we started going.

Though the Ranch and the activities we partake in - running, biking, hiking, pickleball - do not change a whole lot from year to year, Black Butte is definitely our happy place.

This year, like many years, we stayed there with our friends the Tais. They have two kids that are several years older than ours, and the bond the kids have is very special.

There was a lot of hang out time, family dinners, movies, and Netflix shows. Check out "Somebody Feed Phil!"

I look forward to our next trip to Black Butte. Until then, the memories we made will have to sustain me!

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