Friday, December 31, 2021


Charles Dickens' famous novel, "A Tale of Two Cities," begins with the phrase, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Those sentiments surely describe 2021.

This past year was long and hard. It started with the Capitol riot and ended with continued surges in COVID cases. In between, we spent much of this past year cloistered and avoiding the things and people we love. Democracy took a major hit with innumerable bills designed to making voting harder and less representative, and the Republican party seems to have no bottom of depths to which they are unwilling to sink. Joe Manchin killed President Biden's signature legislative agenda and seems pleased to join the Republicans in gutting the social safety net West Virginia's poor citizenry depend on. Work remained challenging with mandatory masking, distancing, and many safety precautions.

However, despite all these challenges, 2021 was filled with many bright spots. On the first of the year, I received my first COVID shot, which was such a massive reflief. Kathleen and the kids were also vaccinated, and all except Cate have received a booster. Word on the street is that Cate will be eligible next week!

We expanded the lab from three to ten and now have domain level expertise for many techniques! We recruited our first undergrad and published ten papers. We brought in two new grants, too, which will help take our research in new directions!

President Biden did pass the COVID Relief Bill and his Infrastructure Bill. There were a record number of judicial nominations, too. The independent commission in Michigan created a more democratic map for our elections, and a new group of Democratic politicians gained one more year of experience. 

It was a great year in sports with our Michigan Wolverines beating Ohio State and winning the Big10 Championship. Tonight, they play Georgia in the College Football Playoff semifinal! Football resumed, and Lionel Messi and Argentina finally won a Copa America. Later in the year, Messi moved from Barca after their mismanagement led to financial catastrophe and inability to pay his wages. A few months later, though, Messi would win his seventh Balon d'Or trophy - another record.

Other particularly bright spots were trip and vacations. We went to Pittsburgh for Spring Break, and I got to see my old mentor from fellowship. My dad visited for Memorial Day. We had a wonderful visit back to Portland and Oregon where we saw many old friends and were able to get together safely. We saw Kathleen's family in Minnesota in August and celebrated her niece's high school graduation. My mom visited for Labor Day.

Cate and I came to Austin for a soccer tournament in the National League, and I was thrilled to watch them win two and draw one, placing them first in their division. Thanksgiving brought a trip to Madison, WI to see Kathleen's family, and it was nice to spend time in the place we almost called home after fellowship. Alas, it was not in the cards then, but Madison was lovely. 

Which brings me to our final trip of the year - a three city tour visiting my dad in Houston, mom, brother, and friends in Austin, and my sister in San Antonio. I am grateful that we were all able to get together safely.

As I think about that line from Dickens, I am struck by how we all should be so lucky to utter both phrases in that sentence. Life can be imaginably hard. However, if we are lucky and approach our lives with open eyes, we are often able to see all the things for which we should be thankful. 2021 was exactly that kind of year for me!


Last night we closed out the year with a trip to the home of one of my oldest and dearest friends from growing up. Over the years, our families and kids have gotten to know each other, and visiting with them is often one of the highlights on our trip home to Austin.

One of the fun aspects of these get-togethers is to spend time with someone who knows me longer than anyone except my parents and siblings but who knows me better than anyone on this planet due to our long, shared history.

On this last day of 2021, I am reminded how grateful I am to have the friends that I do. They make life worthwhile and remind me of how far I have grown and changed over the years. I am truly blessed.


Unfortunately, the kids only see their cousins in Texas once per year, and it had been two years since we last saw them due to COVID. However, they wasted no time re-connecting with Spoons and multiple board games. There was even a trip to the old elementary for b-ball and a version of a game I grew up playing called "buns up."

Here's to great quality time with the family!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


The New York Times recently challenged its readers to nominate the best book of the last 125 years and then to vote on it. Yesterday, they announced the results.

My favorite pick, "To Kill a Mockingbird" won! Several of my other favorites, including "One Hundred Years of Solitude" also finished in the top 10.

It's quite a list, check it out!


It seems as though every day this month we heard of the passing of another historic figure in American or global affairs or culture. Just this past week, we lost the writer Joan Didion, former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and the football guru John Madden.

Their deaths are a reminder that we are all mortal and that life is until further notice. I hope we remember these lost souls as we enter the new year and try to leave the world a little better than we found it.


It has been two years since our family visited Austin, so it was so nice to be back here yesterday for the second stop on out three city Texas holiday tour.

We checked out a newish area called South Congress or SoCo with shops and restaurants. Then, we headed to a Japanese-Texas fusion barbecue joint called Loro. Yum!

Of course, we had to make a stop at some familiar haunts, too. First, we went to Nicholas' favorite place, the Austin Nature Center near downtown.

The last stop on our day trip was of course Amy's at the Arboretum, where we took in giant scoops outdoors amidst the cows and beautiful views.

It seems the more things change, the more they stay the same in Austin!


It has been over a year since I was in Houston for a quick visit in the fall of 2020. That is why it was nice to be back and visit my dad there with the family. The weather was unseasonably mild with highs in the low 80s, but this was a welcome reprieve from the Michigan winter!

Card games abounded, and we had several marathon matches of Uno and a game called spoons! Fortunately, no one was hurt despite some extremely competitive games!

Saturday, December 25, 2021


Another year, another Christmas together with Kathleen and our amazing two kids.

Though there were many of our usual traditions, there were some differences with Christmas this year. Yesterday, on Christmas Eve, we started off with a trip to get COVID PCR tests in anticipation of our trip to Texas. Fortunately, the line moved quickly, and twenty four hours later, we were all notified that our tests were negative! 

We took a trip to the Zingerman's complex in South Ann Arbor afterwards and picked up some yummy treats and snacks for today. Maybe this will be a new tradition!

Some things did not change! We opened gifts and spent time watching moving. 

I am literally the luckiest man in the world to be with this crew! Merry Christmas!


The last two and a half years have been the most difficult of my life professionally. A move and restarting a lab from scratch is hard enough. However, when one adds a once in a century, global pandemic entering its third year that impacts every aspect of how we practice medicine and do research, life and work become unimaginably hard.

We achieved some great things at work last year - new publications, clinical trials, grants, and awards. However, most importantly, everyone on my teams stayed safe and healthy. Moreover, somehow we found a way to expand our clinical team with a new faculty recruit and significantly expand our laboratory from three people at the beginning of the year to ten people - the largest we have ever been in my 14 years being a principal investigator.

Spending time in person with the exceptional teams I am lucky to be a member of at the Rogel Cancer Center was definitely the professional highlight of a very difficult 2021. Hoping for more togetherness in 2022! Lucky to call this place home and these people my friends!


Since COVID, we have not spent much town out of the house or office. That is why it has been so refreshing to spend time in downtown Ann Arbor during the holiday season. 

There are some wonderful local shops and brands, including Moose Jaw Outfitters, Bivouac, and Shinola - a purveyor of fine leather goods and beautiful watches - and my favorite book store in town, Literati!

Another neat area near campus is called Nickels Arcade, a sort of Diagon Alley, of local shops.

They even light up some of the main streets in downtown, like Main Street. 

Lovely all around! Here's to our downtown in A2 - small but mighty!


2021 was a great year for books. Here are my top five:

Klara and the Sun- A beautiful meditation on what it is to be truly human and to feel and connect with others. One of Ishiguru's best books to date!

Beautiful World, Where Are You- A novel for our upside down times and a reminder of what it is to be a young adult and to navigate young adult love. Rooney's best yet.

Intimacies- A quiet, meditative book about making your way in the most foreign territory, intimacy.

We Run the Tides- Part mystery, part teen coming of age - all of it compelling.

Cloud Cuckoo Land- Finally, a book that I have not even finished yet that is grand in scope and message. Anthony Doerr nails it again!

Sunday, December 19, 2021


Last year, we bought a very big tree! This year, we went with a very little artificial tree. It is still pretty, and size does not always matter! Happy holidays!


Nicholas spends hours in his room drawing, and he has created some masterpieces over the years! Mostly, he focuses on drawings of screenshots of sports broadcasters. Often, he asks us to rate the outfits of the people in his pictures. Some are quite lifelike indeed!

More than anything, these drawing allow Nicholas to relax, blow off some steam, and to focus deeply on two things about which he cares deeply - sports and broadcasting.

Enjoy this treasure - that made it to the wall of honor at my work - below from the Michigan-Ohio State game!


Last weekend, Cate and her friends from her outdoor soccer team took part in the 2021 Ann Arbor Chocolate Milk Futsal Cup. 

Cate used to play quite regularly in Portland and even played for one year here with a futsal academy COVID curtailed last year's futsal season, so she had not played for almost two years until this past weekend. However, one would not have guessed that after watching her and her team - mostly newcomers to futsal - play in this tournament.

We lost the first game, which I missed because I needed to bring Nicholas home, but the girls remained upbeat. We defeated the next two teams to earn a spot in the final - a rematch against ABK Futsal Academy, the team who had beaten us in the first game. 

The rematch was a tense affair as the opposition had some very big and physical players. However, our defense was ready and would not let their big striker turn with the ball. Our goalie also made multiple critical saves to keep us in the game. 

All the while, Cate was shining on the field and opened the scoring with a beautiful spin move followed by a clinical finish. We scored once more to seal the victory. What a game and what a tournament for the Michigan Tigers Girls! 

Thursday, December 9, 2021


There are no more important foundations of a democratic and civil society than a free and fair press. Journalists have the power to bring light to the truth and to bring truth to power. In my opinion, no one does that better than the New York Times, and I am proud to be a home subscriber.

A great example of the hard-hitting reporting they do is a recent article and podcast on an outrageous website that encourages people to commit suicide and that provides detailed instructions and "moral support" on how to successfully complete the suicide act. The people who run this site were outed through the Times' reporting, and the article brought to light how horrific this site is and the hidden costs associated with it. 

"Enjoy" is not the right word, but I hope you appreciate this reporting. We should never take our press for granted.

Monday, December 6, 2021


Christmas is often a joyous time, but it can be stressful - especially during a global pandemic with no end in sight. 

Tish Harrison Warren is an Anglican priest from Texas who often writes about spirituality for the Times. In her recent essay, she talks about how to get ready for this holiday season in four steps: 1) Slow Down, 2) Be Curious About Your Own Internal Life, 3) Mourn Your Losses, and 4) Notice the Light. 

I, for one, will head her advice, and I hope you do  too. Here's hoping this holiday season and beyond will be more calm and joyful!


This past weekend, Michigan secured its first Big Ten Conference title since 2004! The past few years in the Coach Jim Harbaugh era have been rather bleak with few wins against top 20 teams and five straight losses to our arch rival Ohio State. All of that changed in the past week.

First, the team ended its drought against Ohio State University with a blowout win in our home stadium, clinching a place in the Big Ten Conference title game against the University of Iowa. This past weekend, we crushed Iowa 42-3, earning a birth into the College Football Playoff for the National Championship and finishing the year ranked number two! 

There was a very fun article in the New York Times this past weekend written by Jane Coasten, a U of M alum, entitled, "Can a Michigan Football Game Make Me Happy Forever?" I do not know about forever, but this team's success has definitely brought a lot of pride and joy to Wolverines worldwide this past week! Go Blue!

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Nicholas has always had a keen interest in sports. In recent years though, he has become passionate about sports broadcasting and journalism. Currently, he is the Sports Editor of the Alcove, the school newspaper at  Greenhills, and is the co-leader of the Greenhills Gryphon Sports Live Broadcasting Club. 

The article below is one of his first long-form articles since eighth grade when he did his senior project on sports statistics and a player profile of Cate's futsal coach Mana Shim, who is a former professional soccer player. I hope you enjoy his latest masterpiece.


Nicholas J. Alumkal

With 2020 MLS Is Back Tournament Most Valuable Player Sebastian Blanco only available off the bench for emergency use after an acute hamstring injury and with this season’s other star performer Dairon Asprilla suspended after a red card in his last match, beating Real Salt Lake (RSL) and advancing was never going to be easy for the Portland Timbers. However, despite these absences, the Timbers ended RSL’s fairytale season with a 2-0 victory Saturday night at Providence Park, advancing to the MLS Cup Final.

The fourth seeded Timbers needed to take a winding road into the knockout stages. They came from behind to beat Minnesota United 3-1 at home in the first round in part from the brilliance of Blanco. Portland hit the road to face off against the best of the west, Colorado Rapids in altitude on Thanksgiving. This game was a more challenging assignment, and the Timbers needed to grow into the game after facing a flurry of Rapids chances early in the match and then having to win the game without their talisman, Sebastián Blanco who was forced to be subbed to what looked to be a serious injury. Eventually, the rock of the defense all season, Larrys Mabiala added his second goal of the season (both in the Playoffs) in the 90th minute to win the game 1-0. 

Heading into this matchup with Real Salt Lake, the Timbers had outscored them 12-4 in the regular season. This came in part from a 6-1 rout of Real on September 25. This was in the midst of a turnaround for the Timbers. Their first half of their season was defined by injuries, most notably having to play five different goalkeepers over the course of the season. 

Form is invariably important in soccer. Since the MLS All-Star break on August 25th, when the Timbers stood outside the playoffs in 9th place, Portland have rounded into shape, winning 10, drawing one, and losing only three during that span. This uptick in performance was best among any team in MLS during that span and the momentum carried on into the playoffs. 

With Blanco and Asprilla absent last night, this was a chance for other players to step into the spotlight. The success in this game for the Timbers came down to coming out of the blocks fast and for other Timbers players leaving their marks on the game.

Felipe Mora was the top scorer for the Timbers with 11 goals in his second season with the club this year. However, Mora was on a nine-game goal drought coming into this match—a drought that would soon end through a combination of luck and quality of his attacking positioning.

In the 5th minute, with his back to goal, Mora checked for the ball at the top of the box. He slipped in Yimmi Chará down the right with some quick feet and then continued his run into the box, hungry for a goal. RSL had two chances to clear the ball from danger, yet they failed to do so. As Mora made his way into the box, the ball fortuitously fell to his onrushing feet. He guided it home to the far post with his right foot and was soon swarmed by his teammates in celebration. This goal was a vital tone setter for the rest of the match.

Another unexpected protagonist in last night’s drama was Santiago Moreno. In the thirtieth minute, Moreno had a chance to make it a two-goal cushion on a ground cross that RSL goalkeeper David Ochoa parried away yet did not fully clear. On his first attempt off the rebound, Moreno tried to beat the RSL defenders to the ball only to have his teammate Mora impede his progress. Given a second chance, Moreno fired the shot over the bar.

Chances continued to fall Portland’s way. Yimmi Chará had a red hot crack like an axe through a forest of defenders from about 30 yards away that forced Ochoa to dive and save in minute 25. 

Later, Moreno would make good on his manager’s choice to start him. In the 61st minute, he received the ball on a chipped pass on a counterattack. He trapped the ball with his chest at midfield and turned to face the RSL goal. Without missing a beat, he then took off dribbling through the acres of space in front of him. As he approached the goal, RSL players did not step in to contest him, instead retreating backwards. 

Moreno struck the ball from outside the box with a piston’s force using his preferred right foot. The strike was hit hard and low, out of the reach of the sprawling RSL goalkeeper Ochoa, but the shot was too wide. The ball ricocheted off the left post. However, the post proved to be kind to Moreno, striking the back of Ochoa and ricocheting into the back of the net. Moreno darted into celebration after the goal—his first with the Timbers—removing his shirt and flexing for the jubilant, sold out Providence Park faithful. This goal made the score line 2-0 with under a half an hour to play and cemented Moreno firmly in the spotlight for his contributions. 

A diminutive and pacy Colombian 21-year-old winger whose acquisition flew under the radar in the craziness of the summer transfer window, Moreno signed for the Timbers on July 29th from Colombian side América de Cali to a four-year contract. He was not able to partake in any Portland games until August 29th because of the lengthy process of obtaining a work permit.

“I am very thankful for the club and the opportunity they have given me,” said Moreno postgame. When talking about his goal, his eyes lit up and he showcased his teeth with a smile, “It’s a beautiful sensation; it’s always nice to score a goal, and it's not always in an opportunity like that that you get to contribute a lot to the team,” said Moreno.

RSL did not go away without a fight. Most notably, RSL All-Star Damir Kreilach directed a hefty header off a cross from point blank range at Steve Clark’s goal near the end of the first half. Clark responds rapidly, tipping the strapping shot up and then catching the ball on its way down. This was by far RSL’s best chance, but few other attacks came to fruition for RSL. The fairytale may be over for Salt Lake, but the magic of their run will go down in MLS lore. 

To understand just how far this RSL team has come, it is illustrative to consider their tumultuous season in full. RSL's offseason was marked by the retirements of several key players, including long time captain Kyle Beckerman. The club's ownership was also in question as Dell Loy Hansen had agreed to sell the club following allegations of racism directed at club players and employees. The pending sale of the club resulted in a relatively quiet offseason in terms of acquisitions with most of the club's new signings coming from the club's own minor league team, Real Monarchs. RSL entered the season with low expectations with most pre-season projections predicting a near last place finish.

RSL would go on to spend much of the spring and summer hovering at or just above the playoff line. In a surprising move, head coach Freddy Juarez departed the club on August 27 to take a position as an assistant coach to Brian Schmetzer in Seattle—a more secure job—but a job in the same conference with RSL. Assistant coach Pablo Mastroeni took over the head coaching position on an interim basis. Under Mastroeni's leadership, the club saw hot and cold form, rarely winning or losing consecutive matches.

RSL were on the verge of missing the postseason on the last day of the season, paying a visit to West 2nd seed Sporting Kansas City (SKC) and needing a win. When a stonewall penalty on RSL was not given, it handed RSL a lifeline. Kreilach made good on that second chance, scoring a stoppage time winner and clinching the 7th and last seed in the Western Conference.

Once in the playoffs, RSL had to travel to lively Lumen Field to face the Seattle Sounders and their old coach Juarez. The Sounders peppered Ochoa’s goal with 21 shots in the first 90 minutes and into extra time, but RSL’s defense was stout, and the Sounders were not able to break through. During the 120 minutes, RSL did not register a single shot of their own as the game headed into penalties. During the spot kicks, RSL were perfect, and Ochoa came up with a save in the sixth round of shots, securing the survival of RSL

RSL next travelled back to Kansas City with a spot in the Western Conference Final up for grabs. This time, RSL came out of their bunker to play but found themselves down a goal after Johnny Russell converted a penalty for SKC in the first half. Real responded with a headed equalizer from the electric Ecuadorian Anderson Julio. In second half stoppage time, Bobby Wood got on the end of an RSL cross and put it home, continuing the unanticipated run for RSL.

During this run, a new villain surfaced for the rest of MLS to loathe—David Ochoa. Though Ochoa is only 20 years old and in his first season between the sticks, he has already had his share of headlines as the RSL keeper. In the first game of the season, Ochoa became Public Enemy No.1 at Allianz Field in Saint Paul, MN when the Loons and their supporters were frustrated with his time-waiting tactics. When the final whistle blew, Ochoa punted the soccer ball into the home field supporters’ section, igniting a post-game fracas on the field. 

Months later, Ochoa was a reserve goalkeeper on the United States Men’s National Team during their CONCACAF Nations League triumph over Mexico where he celebrated on the field when the U.S. defeated their nemesis. Two months later though, Ochoa switched his nationality to Mexico, sparking calls of disloyalty aimed at Ochoa.

Once the postseason began Ochoa’s stage got larger. After his strong showing at Seattle, he walked a fine line between purposeful antagonism and reckless hostility, relishing being the bad guy at Lumen Field. He was clearly not looking to make friends, and the opposing fans obliged. Boos have greeted him at every opposing stadium he has traveled to throughout the playoffs, so much so that Fox Sports announcer John Strong said last night, “I won’t need to tell you when David Ochoa is on the ball for the rest of the night because the Timbers Army will let you know.” 

Despite the end of their, the RSL camp clearly see the glass as half full rather than half empty. "I couldn't be more proud of being a part of this group," RSL interim head coach Pablo Mastroeni said. "Nobody gave us a shot when the season started, and no one gave us a shot when the playoffs started either. And so to have the mental toughness to overcome the perception of who we are is fantastic. You can always look at things from either perspective, but I couldn't be more proud of the effort and commitment of this group that I was able to lead," said Mastroeni.

Near the dying embers of Saturday’s game, RSL’s Aaron Herrera, already booked, clattered into Marvin Loría, a challenge of frustration. Referee Alan Kelly had no choice but to give him a second yellow and force RSL to play with ten men for the remainder of the game.

In total, the Timbers outshot RSL 14-7 and even won the possession battle, something rare for a team that averaged the lowest percentage possession in the entire MLS. Timbers head coach Giovanni Savarese was proud of his team’s showing in such an important game. 

“We understood that if we worked as a unit, as a family, as a group, that we can achieve something important,” Savarese said at the end of his night. “We always say the strength of the group is the group, and we took it day by day, one conversation at a time, one training at a time. To be able to be here today, I'm just extremely proud of the group,” said Savarese.

The unit was the key, as soccer is a game where you are only as strong as your weakest link. On Saturday, all the Timbers players came to play, allowing them to claim their club’s third conference title in seven years. 

This win allows Portland to bring an MLS Cup Final to Providence Park in the Goose Hollow neighborhood of Portland for the first time. Seven days from now, the winner of Sunday’s Philadelphia Union-New York City FC match will face the Timbers there on the Timbers’ home field. Portland will be going for its second championship while both Philadelphia and NYCFC seek their first. Both Philadelphia and NYCFC come into the playoffs as higher seeds, yet Portland gets to host the final due having the higher points during the regular season among the remaining teams. 

This continues the Pacific Northwest representation in the MLS Cup, a streak where either Seattle or Portland have made the final every year since 2014. Timbers will hope to tie the Sounders for the number of MLS Cup Championships next Saturday at two apiece.
“It is a dream coming to reality,” Savarese said, “But we have to prepare for what we need to focus more on, which is the game. And in order for us to be able to compete, we need to prepare very well,” said Savarese.


Moving our bodies and exercising is something we often take for granted until an injury prevents us from doing so. This year, several injuries slowed me down and reminded me how lucky one is to have good health. 

The first injury - a quad injury - came a few weeks after resuming soccer this spring after a one year layoff from playing and a one year absence from the gym where I used to work on my core strength. Not only did this injury sideline me from soccer, but it also made it difficult to run - my go to exercise nearly every day of the week. 

I spent much of the summer riding my bike and came to enjoy the pleasure of cycling for the first time in my life. Sure, one burns fewer calories than running, but cycling allows one to cover more ground. During my several month stretch of daily cycling, I took many trips through the nearby Parker Mills Park or to the Botanical Gardens, which are both farther afield than my typical three mile running route in Gallup Park.

On those rides, I was able to see new terrain and things that I otherwise would have missed on my normal run, including several crew events on the Huron River, various wildlife, and beautiful fall colors.

Fortunately, my injury healed after physical therapy, but then I re-aggravated it when I tripped in the hall at work (I kid you not). It was back on the bike for a more more weeks, but eventually my leg healed up after a lot of core strengthening. 

I am now back to running nearly everyday - rain, snow, or shine - and there is a certain calmness and peace that comes after these runs. Having gone much of the year without running, I learned that there are other ways to clear one's head. However, none seems quite as effective as a nice jog around the neighborhood. I will not take the ability to exercise how one wants for granted again and hope that I have a long respite from injury!

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Many of us seem to be stuck in a rut thinking wistfully about the "before times" while also dreaming about the "future times" that we hope will resemble the past, but only in the good ways. In doing so, many of us have lost sight of the many moments of beauty that still exist in the present times.

I was reminded of this last night at an orchestra concert at Cate's school where the middle schoolers - Cate included - and high schoolers performed. In so many ways, it reminded me of when we used to go to the symphony or other artistic events prior to COVID. Only this time, we were all masked and - at times - concerned about our health because of our in person attendance. However, when I let myself experience the moment and accept and appreciate it for what it was - a beautiful and spirited collective performance by talented, young artists - all of those concerns melted away. That is the power of art and music and mindfulness.

I hope I remember the lesson of last night in future times of stress or adversity. There is still so much to be grateful for, if only we allow ourselves to see these things and if only we allow ourselves to feel these things.