Wednesday, August 12, 2020


The literal meaning of the word "kamala" is lotus or pale red, but Kamala (Harris) means so much more. By naming her - an Indian and Black American - the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden shattered a new glass ceiling. He also inspired people of all ages from those racial groups and beyond to believe that anything is possible. This may sound like hyperbole, but I never believed that an Indian-American would be on a Presidential ticket. This is because Indian-Americans have always been viewed as exotic or foreign, no matter their achievements or roles in society.

I felt this discrimination firsthand while growing up when bullies racially abused me, teachers butchered my name time and time again, and people asked, "Where are you from? And I don't mean New York. I mean where are you really from?" However, close-mindedness lost yesterday when Joe Biden had the strength and courage to nominate one of the most qualified Vice Presidential candidates in history, who just happened to be Indian- and African-American.

Though Nicholas and Cate view themselves as more brown than white, I do not think they fully grasp what this moment means. They just see an exciting, qualified candidate who is getting her chance. Perhaps that is what progress looks like? 

Progress, excitement, opportunity. Whatever you want to call it, I'll take it. Biden-Harris 2020!

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