Monday, November 20, 2017


There are many surprises in life that are quite unpleasant. Because of this, I was thrilled to recently learn that my university had awarded me an endowed chair for prostate cancer research! 

I had always known that receiving a chair was among the highest honors a university can bestow on a faculty member, but I never imagined I would be the recipient of such an honor. Creating such an honor requires a donation of several million dollars to create an endowment, or research fund that is invested. In times of good stock markets and wise investing, the endowment generates interest that the recipient may use for any research purpose: salary, research supplies, etc. This unrestricted fund enables one to have breathing room and to take risks with these dollars that come with none of the strings normally attached to grant awards.

To say that I breathed a sigh of relief upon learning of this award from the Kuni Foundation and Kuni family would be an understatement. Running a lab is like running a small business, and it is no small feat to balance one's books and keep the lights on- especially when one is also trying to juggle patient care and administrative responsibilities. 

That there were so many other deserving individuals at my institution, that the Kuni family-whom I have known for years- believed in me, and that our cancer institute director Brian Druker chose me for this honor is truly humbling. 

Upon receiving the award, I promised that I would work hard to be worthy and that I would dedicate myself everyday to trying to improve the lives of men and their families who are affected by prostate cancer. I cannot think of a higher calling, and this award will remind me daily that to whom much is given, much is expected.


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