Monday, November 20, 2017


I am often amazed by my children-especially their levels of discipline. I have known of this characteristic in them for some time, which begin with their acing the marshmallow test of delayed gratification.

This has not been the only example of Nicholas and Cate's discipline, and I was reminded of this earlier this month. Nicholas had ordered a new NBA video game. Rather than using his own money from his account, he bargained with us to receive this for Christmas, knowing that he would not be able to play with it until December 25th.

When the game came in the mail, I expected him to make a fuss and ask to open it right away. However, when I handed him the packet, he walked straight over to the closet with it and put it away. There was no complain gin or bargaining. Rather, Nicholas was no nonsense in his approach-one that blew me away.

Later that night, I was tempted to let him open the game early. However, I quickly realized that that would send the exact opposite message. He had accepted the reality of the situation without flinching. Who was I to remake the rules for him?

I look forward to Nicholas cracking open that package one month from now and playing that first game. I know it will mean so much more to him because he will have exercised restraint and delayed gratification. For that and for a child like him, I am grateful!

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