Wednesday, May 25, 2016


It has been over one week since Nicholas found out he was not selected for the competitive soccer team. Since the day after finding out, he has been doing remarkably well and seems to have realized that there are other important things in life.

On several occasions since then, grown-ups have inadvertently asked Nicholas whether he played soccer or how he was enjoying his competitive soccer experience. My heart skipped at beat on these occasions. However, Nicholas matter-of-factly answered that he used to play competitive soccer and that he recently tried out again but was not selected. There was no sadness in his voice or change in his demeanor. He simply stated the fact rather than seeming to make a shameful revelation.

I am so in awe of this young man who has the fortitude to not perseverate or ruminate on this most-disappointing of challenges. I am nothing like this unfortunately and cannot look past failures or misfortunes. I wish I had his strength, and I am truly inspired by Nicholas. No guile. No obfuscation. What you see is what you get, and what you get is one hell of a person - my best friend.

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