Monday, May 30, 2016


Tonight, the Arbor community received word that one of its parents - Kara Larson - passed away after a year-long battle with cancer.

I did not know Kara until her diagnosis, but afterward I had the pleasure of meeting her and her husband John. Kara's vitality and their love for each other was very powerful, and I was truly inspired every time we met or spoke. Their son Will rides the bus with our kids, and he always struck me as a very quiet but kind soul. Unlike your average seventh grader, he was also coping with his mom's illness, but his attitude and his demeanor were always very level. That is as much a tribute to him as to his parents and their unconditional love for him.

I lose patients all the time, but it never gets easier or becomes rote. This is because each patient is an individual who had his/her own hopes and dreams and story that is still unfolding. While I was not Kara's doctor or know her well, I know that she was someone who made a big difference - in the lives of her family, her friends, and customers of her dress and toy shops in Northeast Portland. Hers is a tale that remains unfinished and that was sadly cut short. However, I know that Kara will live on through John and Will and that Kara knew that there could be meaning in her death. In fact, the message announcing her passing included an exhortation to "be more present, spend more time with family, and follow our dreams." What more is there in life, really?

Today, even before receiving word of Kara's passing, I came home early from work. This was because Nicholas had sent me a text message that he wanted to play together at the park. Nothing seemed more important than that at the time, and I am so glad I came home to him.

I know that life is too short for us all and that life is until further notice. Because of that, we must make the most of the time we have together and treat each other as though each encounter may be our last. I think that is something Kara knew far before she became ill, and it is a message that no one has made more clear to me than Kara through her words and deeds.  I promise we will look out for your boys and that we will heed your words and follow your example Kara. May you rest in peace.

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