Friday, January 1, 2016


Each year at this time of year people around the world resolve to change their lives for the better. However, most resolutions fail. There are many explanations for this, but one important factor is that if our resolutions were easy we would already be doing them.

I do not have a complicated resolution for 2016. Rather, my vow is: Be more kind and show more empathy. These may sound like simple ideas, but they are actually quite difficult in our me-centric world.  However, despite the difficulty of living life this way, it is essential. That is the only way to make the world a little less dark. Imagine if everyone behaved this way. We would have no ISIS. We would have no refugees. We would have no mass killings-or at least less of them.

Our lives just like this world are works in progress. This means that each day we begin anew and can always try to succeed where we may have failed. Here’s to starting off 2016 on the right foot and to being mindful that there is a world outside our own full of people with their own hopes, aspirations, and baggage just like us.

Happy New Year!

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